Archive for July, 2008


Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

We have half of a kitchen!  Woohoo!  The first set of cabinets arrived today.  The rest should come tomorrow.  They’re beautiful!  It’s so nice to see it all coming together.  Below are some photos.

Onto our dilemmas… almost everyone loved faucet one.  We love faucet two.  Faucet two is way more pricey.  What to do?  I’m sure if we never gave you a choice you wouldn’t care or know any better.  Now that you do we are even more torn.  Dilemma two – granite colors.  We’re trying to decide between a light granite with dark accents or a dark granite with light accents.  This is so much harder than I ever thought it would be.  I’ve never been an indecisive person.  The first one matches our tile and cabinets and has a general masses appeal I think.  Not that we’re moving anytime soon so we’re not worried about resale at the moment but it should be considered.  The second one would be way contrasty and modern looking I just wish some of the accent specks were closer to the tile/cabinet color and not as silver/green.  The cooktop would look seamless on number two but that’s not the only thing to consider.  Any thoughts?  Once we decide it will be a week until it’s installed.  They need the time to cut holes for the sink, faucet and cooktop.


And here’s what was done this morning.  Please continue to ignore the dining room disaster and the horrible dust conditions that now coat our floor.

Ummmm, I wasn’t drunk when I took this.  I don’t know what was going on but I’m not going back out there to get another one, you’ll have to wait until Walter comes home to take the gorgeous glamour shots.

You can see the start of the hood here.  The brace is hung.  I hope they can patch our ceiling so it doesn’t show a 25 year difference between the new and old paint and popcorn!  And yes, some day we will update our lighting to something cool.   Someday. 

Here is a photo of our gorgeous handle that will go on all the doors (straight up and down, not at an angle as pictured) -