Well Hello There!

I know – I’m a horrible blogger!  I’m sorry.  We’ve been so busy trying to keep up with these kids of ours that a few things have fallen by the wayside.  I will try to do better!

Kate and Noah are doing pretty well.  Noah has finally realized that he doesn’t have to be nice to his sister.  It doesn’t earn him any brownie points but he gets plenty of attention for acting out.  We’re working on this.  Kate has proven to us that her digestive system (or could it be her taste?) is more delicate than we would like.  We’ve tried so many formulas, gone from her sleeping all day to not at all and back again, called in the reinforcements (our wonderful families), and just generally been very frustrated.  We think we’re turning the corner with this (we hope we are), please send us happy, restful thoughts!  She has managed to pack on the pounds just fine.  At her last visit (last week) she was 12-ish pounds.   That’s half of Noah’s weight!  She is also taller than he was at this age.  Tomorrow she is two months old, it’s hard to believe.  And today, Noah officially turned two and a half.  It’s crazy.  I’m so glad we’re half way through the “terrible two’s”!  Please tell me this attitude issue magically disappears on his third birthday!

I finally got a new camera to replace the one that Noah threw in a pool.  Hopefully this means I will have a lot more photos in the future.  A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of having someone else volunteer to take our photos.  Virginia met us at the beach early in the morning and got some amazing shots.  Here are a few of our favorites -











And to show how fast a baby can change in four weeks, this is her now -


6 Responses to “Well Hello There!”

  1. Lauren Says:

    I love the green outfit and it does make me want to sing “Apple Bottoms Jeans”. Kate is soooooo precious! And your family of four is beautiful!

  2. Allison Says:

    Oh Dawn! I love the new pictures! Wow, I can’t believe Kate is 2 months old already. Such a beautiful family :-)

  3. Jackie Says:

    The pictures are amazing! Hope Kate adjusts to her milk soon.

  4. Victoria Says:

    What fantastic pictures! Kate has grown so much, they change everyday. I sympathize with you on the milk issue. Jake was a nightmare when it came to sleeping and I think *knocks on wood* its finally getting better after extensive diet changes which is rough. I hope Kate finds a formula that is the perfect fit for her soon. The trial and error period is rough

  5. Kari Says:


    Aside from Kate’s coloring and the accent to her eyes, the similarities between Kate and Amara are striking. I’ll have to find a photo of Amara at two months so we can compare.

    If it wasn’t for Aunt Sharon, I think I would have thrown in the towel when I was breastfeeding. Apparently Amara couldn’t tolerate me eating chocolate. I can sympathize with trying to figure out why baby is so cranky. Thank the stars for Mycolin! I’m sending positive and restful energy your way.

  6. Ariana Says:

    Beautiful photos!!

    Have you tried giving Kate some probiotics? I just ordered these, there have actually been studies done showing that the L. Reuteri strain is better than meds at soothing colicky baby tummies..

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