The BIG 3-0!

It’s birthday time once again in our house.  I turn 30 today.  As a child I remember thinking how old someone who is 30 was, they were on the verge of retirement in my eyes.  Now it still seems like a big number but not nearly as scary or old.  I certainly don’t feel 30, or what I thought it would be like to be 30.  I feel relatively young, life for me (us) is starting to settle, our family is nearly complete and life is just getting started (as cliche as that sounds).  I feel like I have everything I’ve ever wanted, I feel so incredibly blessed for having what I do and I feel like I made it through my rebel years pretty unscathed.  I’m done making stupid choices for the sake of making them and now I’m onto struggling with the right decisions for my family.  Oh wow, I’m a grown up!  Seriously, it’s been a great ride so far and I’m sure it will just keep getting better.

For my birthday today we’re having brunch with my family (my parents, Nikki, Julia, and my boys) and dinner with Walter’s family.  We’re trying to sneak in a child free trip to Ikea in between the fabulous meals to finish picking up stuff we need in preparation for Kate.  Next weekend we’re having a small party with close friends, the celebration I’ve always wanted.  Originally we planned to have Kate here by now so I could make one more series of stupid but seriously fun choices while toasting to the future but Mother Nature had other plans and we’ll have to celebrate with Shirley Temples instead.

Thank you all for your love, support and birthday wishes.  I’m looking forward to my next thirty years and how different they will be from the first.  In case you’re wondering, this is what thirty looks like at 9am – me and my kids -

Notice my fabulous new earrings by the way?  They were a birthday gift from my girlfriend, Raven.  She knows how well Tiffany and I get along!  :)

7 Responses to “The BIG 3-0!”

  1. Lauren Says:

    What a beautiful family!!! Happy Birthday Dawn, and many MANY more!!!

  2. Katie Says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope that you have a wonderful day :-)

  3. Gena Says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!

  4. Allison Says:

    Happy Birthday Dawn! 30 looks great on you ;-)

  5. Melanie Says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! 30 seems to suit you, girlie. Wishing you a good one and MANY MANY MANY more.

  6. Victoria Says:

    Happy belated 30th!!

  7. Candace Says:

    Happy birthday!!! Welcome to your 30′s… old lady! I can say that because I’m older than you. :)

    Also, funny coincidence… our friends who just had the preemie share you and Walter’s birthdays, but hers is the 8th and his is the 10th.

    Happy birthday Walter too!

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