Happy Father’s Day!

Today is Father’s Day!  It’s a pretty uneventful day this year for us but with no less love or honor for all the father’s in our lives.  We had breakfast with Walter’s parents, his mom made her famous shrimp fritters that we stuffed ourselves on.  Tonight we’ll have dinner with my family at the Outback Steakhouse, as dad has requested.  For “our family” we got up early thanks to the poking and prodding of poor Noah who decided to celebrate by catching a cold.  We let Walter open all of his cards and gifts and then Noah used him as a jungle gym, as usual.  Unfortunately there was a piggy back ride incident with a cabinet door that was left open (my bad) and both guys smashed right into it.  Oh the joys of a crazy toddler household!  Anyway, we hope you all have a great Father’s Day and find time to honor all the men in your life.  Here are a few photos from our day.

Here’s the poor munchkin at lunch time (explains the split peas soup on his face).  Mouth hanging open because he can’t breathe, a gash over his swollen left eye from the cabinet door, rosy red cheeks and nose from his cold and generally a little droopy looking because I’m sure he’s wiped out.  As I type this he’s passed out for a nap, hopefully a long one.

And here are the boys…

What a difference two years makes – this was them on Walter’s first Father’s Day…



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