Mother’s Day at Discovery

Noah’s school had a Mother’s Day Brunch for us today and it was really sweet.  You know the kind of event where the teachers tell you how excited the kids are to sing us a song (that none of them actually sing) before they pass out cold pancakes and stale bagels.  Nonetheless, it was a very sweet gesture and something fun for us to do on a Monday morning.

Unfortunately before they broke in to the festivities they read us a very sweet book.  But, I’m pregnant. I’m emotional, no two ways about it.  I remember being emotional when I was pregnant with Noah but not this bad! I don’t know if it’s worse because it’s a girl (and there is extra estrogen) or I just got lucky.  But this book, “Love You Forever”, turned me into a slobbering idiot.  As soon as I saw the title I started getting choked up and thought “this isn’t going to be good”.  Well, it wasn’t.  As soon as they read the first page I welled up before breaking into the “ugly cry”.  Lips quivering, water works like crazy, I was a mess. Noah kept looking at me like I was nuts and all the other moms kept asking if I was ok.  My voice was so shaky I had trouble explaining why I was so emotional.  I was/am completely embarrassed.  I feel like such an idiot.  I couldn’t keep it together and it was mortifying, not enough to stop, but just enough to lose all my dignity.

If you haven’t read the book, it’s so sweet. But oh my, prepare to tear up. Here are the words that continue to make me get misty even now – “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”  

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