Two Years to Celebrate!

We had a small birthday party for Kate last night.  It was a very last minute affair on Yom Kippur so unfortunately a lot of our close friends were unable to attend.  We still managed to have a BLAST though!  The kids played outside all night!  They came in every once in awhile to muddy up the house and swipe a snack but nothing could slow them down!

The bounce house was a huge hit with everyone young and old!

Sidewalk chalk was for the more reserved (as bouncing got embarrassing the bigger you got)


And the playset was even put to use!

As it turns out though, Kate doesn’t like to be the center of attention sometimes.  While she liked the idea of cake, being sung to was not her thing!

This was right before she BOLTED in tears!

But her brother is always willing to help out!

Thank you to all who could come!  We are blessed to have such great family and friends!  A special thanks to Walter and his dad who resoded and mulched our entire back yard in the weeks leading up to the party!

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!  We’re so glad you had a fun time at your party!

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