Noah’s First Trip to the ER!

Boys will be boys, right?  A friend of Walter’s said when you have a boy you get a lifetime membership to the ER since you end up there once every few months.  Well, last night was our first trip. 

Walter went to toss something in our room and didn’t realize Noah was right behind him.  When he backed out of the doorway and tried to shut the door he realized he’d just squished Noah’s little hand in the door frame and his middle finger got completely smashed.  The poor guy was quite hysterical and bleeding pretty badly.  Our pediatrician recommended we get him checked out just to be safe.  Luckily nothing was broken and they didn’t have to drain his nail which would have been pretty traumatic.  Instead they gave him a bandaid, some stickers and a popsicle and sent us on our way.  He was such a trooper (of course the Motrin helped), no one could believe how good his spirits were given how bad the evening had started. 

Below are some photos of his adventure (the finger is pretty gnarly)…

All smiles in the waiting room -

All smiles in the waiting room…

Monkey is the patient now and Noah is ready to go (excuse Mom, she’s exhausted!) -

Monkey is the patient now, Noah wants to go home (and Mom is exhausted!)   


The gnarly mess!

2 Responses to “Noah’s First Trip to the ER!”

  1. Ariana Says:

    Awwww… poor little guy!!!

  2. Brook Says:

    Ouch! That finger looks painful!!! I’m so glad to hear Noah is alright. I know Benjamin has had his fair share of bumps and bruises. It seems like we have an injury of some kind at least 4x a week!

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