Wii love Jill!

Our dear friend Jill surprised us with a visit – via a business trip to Florida.  Walter last saw her at her wedding in September but Noah and I couldn’t go and she’d never met Kate.  With our addition and extra space we were able to welcome her to stay with us.  We had a blast!  She was with us for a little more than a week and it was just like old times, well almost.  She was a great house guest and spare set of hands and she instantly won Noah over with the never ending game of “BOO!”.  While she was here we met her brother, visited mutual friends, introduced her to some new friends of ours and generally just enjoyed each other’s company. 

One night after work she surprised us with a huge present – a Wii, complete with controllers and games!  Of course we hooked it up immediately and got sucked in instantly.  Jill used to be our gaming buddy back in the day.  We would stay at her house until the wee hours of the morning, usually until I fell asleep on the couch, playing all kinds of video games.  Hopefully with the internet enabled system we can once again be gaming buddies, even though we’re so far away.  We miss you Jill!  And oh yeah, THANK YOU!

Here are Jill and the kids right before she left for the airport.  Noah was SO not interested in taking photos and SO sad that Jill was leaving.  We suspect he may have thought she moved in permanently.  He certainly accepted her as part of the family!


One Response to “Wii love Jill!”

  1. Jill Says:

    Awww!! I miss you guys!!! I had a lonely boo-less morning! =( thanks for letting me stay with you guys! I had such a wonderful time =) We have to figure out how to meet up in the wii world!

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