Other things…

We seem to have become a home improvement blog.  Did you know – we have a two year old too?  Just kidding.  It just seems it’s been awhile since he’s made an appearance.  So, here you go – some new photos.  On a side note the kitchen cabinets are all done, I’ll show you later!

Noah is loving swim lessons and now could spend hours in the tub just floating, swimming and playing.  I couldn’t resist grabbing the camera the other day.

And here’s how you know it’s summer.  Check out that WHITE BUTT!  He tans up very quickly!  Too bad mom doesn’t have that luck!

The first photo is the proper response to “where’s your smile?”.  These were just before a haircut.


One Response to “Other things…”

  1. kimmie Says:

    I miss Noah!!!! He’s so cute and growing so big so fast!

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