Happy 1st Month, Kate!

Kate is one month old today.  I can hardly believe its been a month, it seems like she arrived just yesterday.  I’ll spare you the emotional, goopy, sappy words and just give you an update.  Unlike Noah, she’s actually on the growth chart, comparable to her peers (not that it matters that he’s so little, but he is).  She weighs 9 pounds, 7 ounces (in the 50th percentile) and measures 22 inches in length (in the 80th percentile).  She’s definitely filling out and chunking up and the doctor is pleased with her growth.  We’ve had a few challenges over the last month but none that couldn’t be solved with sleep, lots of rocking, formula and more sleep.  Turns out our little angel is lactose intolerant, just like her brother.  Luckily this time we didn’t suffer through weeks of gas and fussiness before finding this out.  So once again we’ve opted to bottle feed exclusively which at least means we get to take turns sleeping at night. 

I know she will continue to grow and thrive and bring joy to our family.  I promise to torture you with an overload of photos at every milestone.  Thanks for caring and keeping up with our family!

Here is her on her one month “birthday” -

“Kate, want me to take your picture!?”  The poor baby has had a fever from her first vaccine a few days ago.  Needless to say this was a very short shoot.  This is her first time sporting a bow.  What do you think?  I know, I know, she needs more hair.

She looks very “Asian” to me today.  Maybe I’ve been in denial but today I definitely see it.

And because I know Walter is rolling his eyes at the bow -

10 Responses to “Happy 1st Month, Kate!”

  1. Bettina Says:

    What no photo? One month doesn’t count as a milestone?!?! Don’t make me come up there!

  2. Walter Says:

    LOL! How did you know?! I actually thought she looked pretty cute with the bow. ;)

  3. Kris Says:

    SO SWEET! She looks so pretty with the bow <3

  4. Mom Says:

    OMG! I must have the two pictures under the crying babe. She is just too beautiful. Think I’m prejudice?
    Love the bow!

  5. Beth Says:

    omg look how alert she is :) i miss her. sigh. kisses from us

  6. Virginia Says:

    soon enough Walter will be putting those bows on her, I guarantee it! She’s got him wrapped around her finger already!

    Happy one month baby girl!

  7. Melanie Says:

    She is so beautiful – and I love her with the bow and without. Happy 1 month, Kate! Time is already flying!!!!

  8. Brigitte Says:

    Precious!! Happy 1 month Kate!!! Can’t wait to see Kate brushing daddy’s hair and putting her bows on his hair! LOL :) ~

  9. Raven Says:

    Happy 1 month! I keep showing all your pics at work…I think she’s might be even cuter when she’s mad!

  10. Jackie Says:

    Oh Dawn, Kate is just precious!

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