House of Cooties

My boys have cooties!  Well, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, or the coxsackie virus, to be more exact.  We think Noah picked it up at school but we had no idea, we are such first time parents!  On Tuesday we saw a blister under his toe so on Wednesday after school I was going to take him shoe shopping, since his shoes must be getting too tight – right?  WRONG!  I took his shoe off after school that day and his feet were covered in them!  We went straight to the doctor’s office to learn it was in deed HFTM, which sounds so gross!  And since it could be dangerous if I get exposed, because of the baby, Walter took two days off of work to handle cootie duty and guess what, now he has it.  Everything we read and everything the doctor’s say tells us that adults *shouldn’t* be able to really catch it, that it’s a children’s disease.  I guess for Walter there are downfalls to never wanting to grow up!  :)

Here was Noah at the doctor’s office -

And my boys this morning.  Noah’s is getting better, Walter’s is just starting.  Please pray I don’t start showing symptoms!  On the bright side it doesn’t seem to be slowing either of them down, they haven’t caught the fever or loss of appetite portion of the virus and it’s so nice to have all of us together for a few extra days.


2 Responses to “House of Cooties”

  1. Melanie Says:

    Oh my GOODNESS! This is just such a different post than the one below titled, “I am the luckiest woman in the world,” that it blows my mind how fast things change. I am glad Noah is feeling better, I am sending Walter “get well” vibes – and as for you. Please be careful! Keep us posted!

  2. Lauren Says:

    Poor guys : ( I hope everyone feels better soon!!

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