Noah’s New School

Some of you know that Noah has started a new school.  This is his second week at Summit Montessori Private School.  We chose to make the change because we felt he would get more out of the montessori environment and while we’re not expecting him to be a master of statistics by kindergarten we figured if he was going to a school he might as well learn something, even if by accident.  His previous school (which I loved to pieces) sent home progress reports with their weekly lessons and unfortunately it was “This week we learned about ice cream!” or “This week we learned about cookies!” and I’m not exaggerating!  While its great for them to focus I think dessert is something they’ll learn all on their own in the real world, and definitely in our home!

So at the new school he has 9 weeks of swim lessons during summer camp and they spend a good majority of their time outside.  They play on the playground, they have lunch on picnic tables with the other classes, his teacher plays the guitar and they all sing in a little circle in the mulch, and in between all these super fun summer activities they do lessons in their classroom.  I think all the outdoorsy stuff and physical activity is finally catching up with our little guy though.  Today was the third or fourth time he couldn’t keep his eyes open on the way home.  I couldn’t resist taking a photo, I thought he looked adorable and as you can see he’s still madly in love with monkey (who is a little worse for the wear). 

One Response to “Noah’s New School”

  1. Daniel Craig Says:

    Hello, Cool post on Noah’s New School, I’m looking forward to reading more of your site.

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