Wobble and Roll!

We’ve been taking the kids (and sometimes their friends) over to Volunteer Park in Boca to ride bikes.  It’s a relatively empty park with a nice loop to bike on and a playground for when the parents are tired but the kids are still full of energy!  A few weeks ago we headed out but we also brought our skates!  Walter’s needed surgery, as they haven’t been used in years, and mine needed some dusting.  We bought Noah training rollerblades when he was 2 and they thoroughly freaked him out.  Today would be much different!!

Although he wobbled a bit, he was pretty darn good!  We tried them on Kate too but the lack of photos is testament to the short time she was willing to use them (and let’s face it – she’s not the most graceful or coordinated kid).

Kate did much better on her bike and even managed to pull Walter a little.  I was classically me on my skates, which is why there are no photos.  My ego, and elbow, were too damaged.  Side note: it is impossible to skate over a rock at very low speeds!

No matter how much he wobbled….

…. or how much he fell, Noah was a trooper and appears to have his father’s athletic ability and perseverance… thankfully!

It really is so nice to get out and spend time with the kids.  The exercise and fresh air are a bonus.  The unplugged time is much needed!

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